Monday, December 31, 2012

(184) Nirbhaya, Damini,Amanat...

An innocent, non-guilty nirbhaya pays off the price of being an independent girl, price of taking democracy as her right to freedom, by giving away her life to the shameless and cruel act of sexually obsessed psyhcos of our so-called developing India...

May her soul find peace ...

And she died…Nirbhaya, Damini…
“Rape victim”, that is how she was addressed ample times
And the story of brave heart, ended in name of crimes.
Every time a woman, a girl, falls prey to rape,
I feel, am the one, who underwent that gape.

I am a helpless coward, who has been following the news,
Ever since I became a girl, and quietly expressed my rues.

Since my teenage days, I carried a courageous mask,
To stay safe from tormentors, was never an easy task.

I stood for my safeguard, whenever the need arose,
Should I not be thankful, it never went that gross..!

I remained an upright girl, went away in wedding cape,
And the thanks got extended, i did not counter the rape.

Now, I am a mother, of two beautiful- innocent girls,
Worries of their well being, tears me with the sculls.

Like any other woman, now I feel more vulnerable,
I live in a country, where rape is so explicable.

No, I haven’t lost my nerves, neither i am acting weepy,
I want my government to know, its attitude is creepy.

I know, you are questioning me, how come I spoke today..!
Rapes have always been there, in one or the other way

I always wanted to speak, scream and shout aloud,
My spineless stance of life , left me with silent pout.

Even this time too, my anguish fuelled my thoughts,
And like always, I gave up, my words to form the clots.

But today…I feel ashamed and insecure all the more,
Death of a naïve girl, has put my soul to pour.

I don’t know, what is going to be the future of this nation,
When will my country’s government, come back from vacation???...

How i wish, i could punish those perverts with my own hands. how i wish i could chop off all such obssessed people with the same weapons they use against women to trash them away after using them off.How i wish, i lived in a safer place than this. How i wish my daughters were to grow up in more secured environment.How i wish that there would be newspapers and newchannels without the rape headlines....

There has to be made, more stringent laws to punish such animals in masks of humans..




Wednesday, December 12, 2012

(183) My brother's wedding

A huge family gahtering.Loads of fun, dance, songs, teasings and lots and lots of work. Had a great time back home during my brothers wedding on 7th dec12. It was very fulfilling to have put so much effort for completing wedding's preparations. I shopped for him, with him, freezed so many important decisions regarding the arrangements and stood by my parents when they needed. Infact, everyone of our close family, siblings, their partners, all were very supportive throughout. Except for two-three spoil sports's tantrum drama(whom we handled in the way best suited to them), all the occassions turned out well.





             It began with Grah Shanti, Mandap Sthapna, then Janoi(a ritual for the groom to start wearing the sacred thread- to be worn by brahmins), Haldi(applying haldi and Oil to the groom)then came Tilak(where my parents gave a reception sort to Valsad people and bride's  family).Next day was Bhaat(my mom's brother giving gifts to groom and family), Chaak-( i dont know exact importance of this ritual but all the ladies went to the potter to bring earthen pots, singing and dancing on the band all through the way) and then Ladies Sangeet. On the  D-day,morning began with Nikaasi(groom riding the horse to the temple) and finally Baraat to the bride's town to get married and get her home.Detailed line out will be given later on...for now..few clicks from the wedding. And yes, i danced and danced to the content of my heart....welcome to the new member in our family...

These are few of the clips i will be uploaded once i receive them...