The question stood up many a times
And I always calmed with a subtle reply
Question remained,
Why don’t I have him? Tell me Why?
To be truthful to one and all
Needs the hub, full of guts
Perhaps, I had less
Got stuck in ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’
I gambled upon, by challenging risk
Of solving the upheaval
I fumbled,
Left with broken zeal
I made up the situations
To dodge facing the facts
He made me,
Bite, the bullets of
my acts
With him, I thought,
past went away
I condoned the
treasure mind does hold
It held him,
Presenting to me, at
every threshold
I ignored self voices,
disregarded premonitions
Hugged myself declaring
as all safe,
From love,
Could not resist him,
his aura so rave
Miles apart, he still
administers so well
On me, it falls, the
droplets of adore
Odium diminishes,
I feel in his
embrace, I feel so secure
The differences in
our believes, will remain
Up till, I assume, we
both do survive
But bartering covets,
Am sure, will not see
a deprive
The question still
remains, so unanswered
That why I did not get,
him in my life?
Perhaps, I found
The retort which was so rife
He happened to meet me at every dawn
He was never him, never was I, me
Truth remained,
We have, for eternity, been the very, ‘WE’
So what more would I want him and in what
Physical, corporeal, or rather more
I have forever, owned him
In me, with me, in a way, way-far special
Groundless remained the apprehensions
Futile the angst and cries
Propitiously died,
Crashed fell all the ‘Why’s”
Beauty of Adore |