Thursday, October 8, 2015

(282) That's a mystery!

Trust me, that's really a mystery to me. By now, I have full faith in myself when it comes to my intuition powers. May not be like those accurate predictors,yet very very precise in most of the cases that have occurred since I was only age six or seven.

Time and again, these natural directional indicators surprises me with their so upto the mark outcomes. I guess, it was in the recent times that I shared here about my thoughts coming to life on a full swing. Same has been happening with me during last few days. 

Every thing that I think apart from the normal course of occurrences, has been turning into reality. So that, puts me to thinking if this is what is going to happen for some more days to come, then why is it so that I am not able to concentrate on my ambition and goal of finishing my Phd as soon as possible and why I am not able to see any concrete progress in that field. I mean it's really scary the way my thoughts and assumptions are proving to be true in case of my friends, neighbors, their kids, my kids, hubby's colleagues and for that matter even for the people whom I have hardly met more than once. Then why not am I able to utilize this power of creation to fulfill my desires and achieving that I have been wanting for so long. It is indeed a mystery to me which is boggling me upside down. Will someone give me the answer please?

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