Monday, October 5, 2009

(84) At Times

At times,
You find yourself at the crossroads which leads nowhere, no matter;
You choose to tramp on any of the path.
You are lost and fail to find the very cause of your own subsistence,
Nothing and no one appears of any importance to you

You are puzzled to see those developments of events, which,
You had assumed would never occur in your life.
You are answerless to those questions which arises out of your own conscience,
You do not want to agree to the wrong you might have done, but you surely know what right you could have chosen instead.

The tears keep rolling without the foster of the specific cause which could probably ease them out, but they don’t want any such reason, because they know they just want to gush out of that ready to explode heart and keen to burn themselves- eyes.
The flow aims to be giant, so violent that it could wash you off your feet and land you in the place where no one knows you and nothing really bothers too.

You have everyone around, your family, friends, well-wishers, trying to convince you that it happens, it occurs, its just one part of life, but you, your mind fail to hear or acknowledge a single word. You only know, that you have lost the thing, time is gone, and so the opportunity to get things in better form has also been buried.
Whether you did for yourself, or for others, in good faith or better reason, for one’s good or good for all, whatever it may be, but you know it occurred, it happened.
No ones word, or no ones hug comforts you because you are not comfortable with your self within, you are agitated at your own actions and decisions.

You feel dumped by the almighty for no faults of yours. You give your best, whether happily or not, you don’t do any wrong and still when you are cheated by turns of incidents, you loose the heart to continue. You find yourself in the hurricane of self darted doubts about your own intentions, self-dedications and see yourself at self mercy
for being absconded by the destiny.

You feel lost for eternity, no physical or material thing matters anymore because the fight now grows to the level where you are at one end with god at the other and you want only Him(GOD) to answer all your why’s? Why me, why this, why now, why so, why not that, and still many whys?
You don’t want any other person to try to make you understand why things occurs the way they do, because you feel every logic given in that context is either a fake statement or a misleading judgment which can only console you momentarily but might leave you more weary for ever after and hence you seek a reply from the very source which creates the situations for such questions to arise?
AT times, you want only HIM to settle down the turbulence he has put you into.

You might later feel that everything was perfect and nothing was so disturbing which should put you to dump yourself in the dark confine of sorrows, but for that time, for those moments you fail to agree with each and every argument because you feel so dead inside, no senses so sensible, no emotions justified, no feelings pinches the blood, no logics come to bid, only your soul at work which traumatizes you up and throws you down, knots you in your self contests and jerks you with the stone stiff realities which , indeed , are the only lights which gives foresight in such threatening circumstances and hence you strive to seek for that higher meaning of being what you truly are and not what you have been made into over the years.

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