19th June’08
First thing I did this morning was to call my younger brother,today being his birthday.Unchanged harmonious childlike voice responded my call thanking me in the familiar beautiful tone for his birthday wishes.When I enquired his birthday plans, he told me about the four parties lined up throughout the day.Being the predictable concerned elder sister,I further questioned him regarding the finance required thereof to which he responded in his cool sporty approach and asked me not to worry about that as same would be administered by himself. Behesting him good day I hung up the call and got busy with my morning chores.But before that I did ask my sister to give him money on my behalf.
I tried to get some rest laying down on the lazy bean bag in the afternoon when I tripped into the reflection of my childhood days.Not straining much on recalling my incidents I rather prefered to summon up my brother’s life progress .It appeared like a filmstrip being played in my mind.I called back my brother rising up up from a child to a young gentleman.He was a flabby,very fair, appealing baby in his first 5 years,though he never lost his striking façade till date.He used to be the most adorable in our family and amongst others owing to his sweet persona and being the youngest in the folks.I remember very sharply that he never happily stayed away from my mother even for a single day till he was 17 ,however he is even now a mother’s boy.Everyone use to tease him for his yearning for mother conceal.
I did not stay much with my parents and siblings as I had moved to my maternal grandparent’s house in another city when I was 13.I used to visit my family every year during summer vacation and I can surely discern that I never missed anybody else so much as I did miss my sweet boy whom we call Munna at home.Each visit added my sweet time memories passed with my family and wih my brother.I used to play with him fairly like his same-age friends besides the 7 years age difference between us.I can yet call to mind his timid face he used to hide with both his hands to save himself from my teeth marks.I used to run behind him like a cat and once caught hold,I would bite him hard on both his cheeks and then laugh at his cry which was accompanied by his worries to deal with his friends with queries about the marks.After all, my boy was maturing.
When he was in 12th class and I was posted in a far off city for my job,I received his call one day whining about my mom who was not allowing her for a 10 day school trip to Goa and he asked me to persuade her which was next to impossible.Though I also knew it was not very wise to compromise such a long time of his studies,but somehow I again gave up to my protective love towards him which always facilitates his demands.I requested my mom a lot but in vain.At last she settled but warned me against mollycoddling him and said she wouldn’t give a single penny to him for this trip.I agreed to pay for his expenditure and so did I He called me on his coming back and the words he used to thank me were heart stirring.He also said he was very grateful to me for letting him experience the best era of his life until then.I felt very conceited to be an amorous sister.
Past few days he again called me to convince my mom to allow him get my two wheeler from my grand parent’s house where I left it as I did not need it in the city I was placed; my abode being at walk able expanse from my office.My mom wanted him to carry on riding his bicycle to school and tuitions both being in 2 kilometers radius along with her worry that he would spend his saved time with friends as he always had a fortune of buddies.But I don’t know what ensues me and my acumen when on earth I arbiter his demands.I survived to get him my scooty over there.But this did not end here and I kept on authorizing his requisites to all probable levels.Perhaps I realize and deem he is the only one till now whom I most coddle,protect and lavish care on and feel like spoiling with all my love .
I am married for 3 years now and have got to see home almost 7 times during this course.But I don’t see our relationship getting any indolent.Though he has grown up physically,mentally,socially and emotionally but for me he enacts the same small kid and I too response him like I did years back.All others in the family has indicated and advised me atleast once in these years to change my attitude towards him,be more austere rather than indulgent and trust me I tried as well.I have been very harsh too him so many times.Infact on my first visit home eight months after my wedding, I went on to slap him to end up a very agitated conversation between us which resulted due to my questioning him sternly owing to the hundreds of complaints for his behaviour,demands,attitude from other members in the family.I repented my action all the more when he responded to my daft deed with a delightful smile and good morning wish next day.
He is distinctive,uncommon and different from everyone else in the family and I always acquired the feeling that I know him better than anyone else and may be its true to a greater extent as he is also most compatible with me.His lovable and candid peripheral appearance is just one quality to his individuality.He has grown up into a mature man.He speaks big strategies,he worries about his elder brothers academic decisions ,he discusses family financials,he advices for his sister’s alliance, he gives me innovative idea to bring up my little one…Ooo… Ooo…he is so grown up….he genuinely is!!.
It seems like a dream..he has turned 21 today,just cant believe.21years old,my toy boy has become a man..man of words,responsibilities and enormous potential.He graduated this year alongwith clearing his CS intern.He joined his articleship last month and today when I called to wish him he told me he received his first stipend and he wants to buy me something from that money.I was moved by his words.I could hardly speak but then I requested him to give that money(which he want to spend on me) to mom to which he told that it was already in plan but he wanted me also to buy something.I agreed and asked him to gift me a book of my choice as for me a book is the best gift one can ever present me.
Though I still entertain some grievances against his childlike,adamant and rude (sometimes) behaviour,but I know for sure( and others too) deep in my heart that he is uniquely good and is sure to go a long long way.. and places ofcourse.I wish the very best of the world always to him on behalf of everyone of the family and those who know him because everyone loves him and why would they not…he is such a sweetheart.
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