Human being, they say is the best creation of God .Equipped with the best of brains, undefeated communication skills and of course the ruling power. But, how far has this so called superior creature of nature has done justice to his own self , his co-existences and to HIS creator? Undoubtedly, this endless debatable question halts with either of these outcomes-(1)speckled answers OR (2) clueless opinions leading to more apprehensions, and both depending on the view-point of the people carrying it forward.
I often come across the same question put up by my conscience, but hardly I succeed to pass through it with any satisfactory answer. Reason…whenever I try to analyze the same, I get tangled into many, many more interwoven queries which needs to be resolved first hand to take any step further towards unweaving the former .And amongst those many…one which I always get stucked with, very badly is… HUMAN NATURE..Yes…Human Nature…Again, this is a topic covering a wide range of speculations possibly claiming the highest variation of thought pattern and equally mottled suggested-accepted theories. However, though certainly not claiming to have come to the universal conclusion describing human nature, I can at least, depict the ideas I perceive about the same or rather I learnt over the short span of life I have lived through
Amalgamation of good and bad is one widely seen characteristic in almost each and every creation of the Almighty. And hence is the matter with us, human beings. God resides in all of us and all of us surely exhibit, if not always than at least once in a lifetime, an act of good deed in one or the other way. Hence, accepting it as a proved factor, I am not writing anything in detail about the same. Rather, my emphasis today is on the sad side of the subject in discuss.
I believe, we are the most selfish of every living being. We live according to our own convenience. Leave afar the act of nurturing our other co-existences in nature, we don’t leave any single chance to exterminate fellow human beings for our self benefits.
We strive for something throughout our lives and by endeavors, but when same is achieved, we don’t value it. We either regret about our past or worry about the future and thus waste the precious part of life which is present. This cycle continues, the present moment becomes past soon and again we indulge into the new present moment to lament about the waste we did with the recent past moment, and this never ends until we ourselves see our end. We keep seeking for happiness in all external things, but forget to search in its sources, within ourselves, by our deeds.
We always take immense pride in pointing out others flaws but seldom we take out time to look into ourselves. We always complain but never appreciate. Neither the act of our fellow human beings nor the opportunities life serves us at every possible turn. We don’t bother how our deeds affect others or how hurt other’s feelings can be left owing to our self centric living pattern. Only thing we prefer to do by best is the analysis. Yes, analyzing every action, occurrence, words, situations and does all this purely on the basis of our personal pre-assumptions, experiences, set of rules and expected outcomes. We hardly give a chance to the life to explain its purpose itself. We try and convert every simple thing into most complex form because that’s how we prove our intelligence. We don’t want to understand simple things in life, we don’t want to lead life in simple ways. If we do so, we will never get a feel to judge others. When someone apologizes, we think because he was wrong and I was right, he did so, but we fail to see the higher meaning of that apology which says that because that person loves and values you, your relationship more than his ego, he apologized.
We get obsessed by our own negatives and thus find it in every aspect. We don’t believe in dreams because few didn’t see reality, we hate everyone because few were not good to us, we don’t trust God because he didn’t grant some of our prayers, we loose faith in friends because one of them ditched, we don’t want to be happy because many attempts to do so didn’t succeed, we don’t believe in love because someone we loved didn’t love us, because we didn’t win that one’s love, because someone betrayed, we leave back aim in life because some steps towards it tested us harshly , we underestimate ourselves comparing with others because certain things we were unable to do…..and many more pessimistic reactions we give to life when it comes to test us because that's how we are comfortable, we are convenient, that’s how we can run away from the responsibility of answering very rarely raised integral questions to us by life itself. Why don’t we hold strong?why don’t we live it all to give it all? why don’t we treasure what we have within, our talents?,why don’t we value the immensely precious gift gifted to us in form of life as human beings, the supreme beings?Why? Why? And many more Why?s.
Life can really be more easy, more fun, more exciting, and more fulfilling, if we try and change our attitude.We should try to be honest to ourselves first and then it will surely lead us to be same with others and in every deal of life. We should learn to be more tolerant , helpful, acceptable and our actions should be less negative, less derision, less nitpicking. And then see, how life appears to you.
Life is like a mirror, what one will show, it will reflect. If we feel positive, feel happy, help others, respect others, we will end up gathering all of these in abundant from every folds of life.