Because of recent happenings in the family,while leaving home I was not equally excited to see London as i was sometime back.But to add to my good feel,London came as a beautiful gift.Journey started with a amusing incident at hyderabad international airport when i lyp-snced the name of one of the security personnel as HAMILTON LAL and smiled in my moustaches to be observed by himself and he too joined me by giving a loud laugh and asked me if i was observing his name.I agreed, and he told me that almost every visitor does so and he always asks his dad why he selected such name for him.Well....a good laugh..we proceeded.
Had a good flight from hyderabad to Frankfurt where there was an hour hault and then to London.Frankfurt airport was the beginning of the sights i had only seen in most hollywood and few bollywood films,FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION anywhere.I felt so pleasant to see people hugging each other,kissing and greeting with all possible feelings which we people would think abt twice even in a concealed place.Well..no comparisions intended,it was just a thought which crossed my mind.
Morning around 9,london time...we reached this beautiful city.Beautiful than i had imagined following all the movies which represented it.Our check-in time was little late and so we gave our luggage to hotel storage and went for a walk around the streets.Neatly placed colonial houses,well mended roads and traffic,and hardly any traces of pollution.We checked in the hotel little later and after having the lunch, decided to go to explore london and travelled in the tubes.We are in Earl's court,from here we took a tube to Hyde park,and walked the way to buckingham palace from there.This is the palace of UK's queen and is open to public every year only for a month of August,our good luck..this year they decided to extend the entries for even September..and the toppings on the cake was the Banquet Hall in the palace where queen throws parties for the other countries head ,it was decorated in the same fashion as it is done for them and was on Display for the first time ever in its history.Exciting..isnt it...I was very pleased to be here...as London was one of my dream destinations..The 19 state rooms and the 30 acres garden of the palace were magnificient,had a nice time there.
We moved out of the palace and headed our walk towards the London eye.Walking through the green cover on either sides of the road,we crossed the Parliament square,then the Westminter Abbey,Thames river and there comes the London Eye.Viewing London from such a height was amazing.Though the cold was killing me all the time, I was still having fun.Throughout the day, i kept calling one of my friend,whom i call bhaia and who is settled out here,to guide us and it really helped as we did not waste much of the time wondering where to go next.Thanks bhaia.Well...last destination yesterday was the Picadilly Circus,thats the name of the place..which is much often shown in our movies, a fountain in the middle and a huge halogen illumminted ad-board displayed behind it with SANYO written on it.That was a busy shopping area adjjoined with the OXFORD and the REGENT street.Well...by then ..i was dead tired...i was just htinking...how much these people out here do walk...they keep on walking,walking....great stemina.
We reached back to hotel around 9.30 in the evening.When we were crossing the road nearest to our hotel,i observed a wonderful thing.Light for the pedestrains had turn red and that for the vehicles green.But still, no car moved and neither did they filled atmosphere with ear screeching horns,a long queue of cars waited until a very old man who i believe had not seen the signal turning red, was crossing the road with the help of the chair-form-holder and taking the baby-steps with eyes tucked into the road.A man ran to his help and until he had made him cross the road taking almost a minute,none of the cars moved.So helpful...isnt it.
Hmm...so today we are going to some other places..wl let u know in th evening.I am really having fun...but only one thing is pinching me very badly..and that is absence of my daurling...my charvi..i wish she was with me...i called this morning to talk to her..but she was not in mood..
Will try a little later.
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