I was hurrying to go to the bank and received one SMS.I quickly read it once and then again read it slowly and then my entire acceleration to move out of the house decreased.I sat down on the bed and read it once again.I thought what happened to this guy, he always forwards either funny messages or some info seeking one, as though, being equally emtional person like me, he still displays a very mature attitude and hardly gives into the ground- silly jokes or sky-senti stuff.But today, this senti-emotinal message from him, he is surely in some different mood.The message was:- "Think about this... U r sittin on d stairs with me at 3 in d midnight on d terrace of ur house....suddenly ur phone rings n u go 2 attend d phone promisin me 2 cm bak but d person on d phone is from my family givin u d creepy news tat i died last night....will u cm back 2 me??...reply with reason..i m waitin" First i thought it is some kind of tricky puzzling question in which answer is something completely out of the question feild and hence i patiently read it again and tried to find some gramatical plot.And though not so sure,i still replied him showing a doubt about the sentence construction and thereby probable hidden twist.My first reply was:-"How can v b at both places at the same time-Stairs and d terrace?....Pat came his response with a clarification which was:-"Sat on the stairs that goes to the terrace"....Alright i thought, and then lost in thoughts for a moment.Take for a second..if this has to be a true situation what i would have really done?And the immediate instinctive answer was-Certainly!! i will go bak!...but then he had asked for a reason as well...Hmm..i again thot, why did my heart said an immediate Yes...Why??Simple..because I love him...oh yes..definetly...its because i love him and he loves me too.So then i send my reply which was:-"In dat case,i'll come bk.Reasons-(1) I love u and i promised i will b bck. and (2) U love me too b'cos even aftr death u came 2 me, did not go to any1 else,hence u need me d most.".....after a pause of a minute..his reply was this"hmmm....Thanks"..well this reply though soundless on my mobile screen, still mirrored the emotions which wud have been reflecting on his face when he wud hv read my answer and thot of this simple but apt response.I could feel his true sense of being owned and protected in those simple words"hmm...Thanks"... I felt he was in a very sensitive mood then and hence i thought of making it light , not by calling him- becasue that wud have perhaps made him speechless then, but by rather replying one more,but funnier sms.And that was:-"Mst wlcm,on d staircase and in d house as wl".
My daurling brother(the elder amongst two)...he has always been so...a kid with a manly exterior..since he was in 9th class, he started helping my father in his business by renedering best possible aid.He always keeps his best calm and really surprises me with so simplified solutions to the most complex confusions...He is known as the god's man in our entire family.And truly he is the one......
GOD BLESS HIM ............Always!!!!!!!
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