Cold beautiful morning,indeed!!!!!!!!!!!
Last evening before i left for my walk,i spoke to two of my very old class-friends who are settled in London.It was nice..I spoke to them almost after ten years.And we thought if all of us could meet up one day.
I wore my shoes and jacket but forgot to take my scarf.Oh...it was cold outside..i was feeling freezed but is till kept walking because it felt very pleasant.I received a call from one of those friend couple and they said they are coming to meet us at the hotel within next 45 minutes from Wembley.And so i returned back to the room after getting lost for a while on the streets but found the correct one soon,and awaited their arrival.Soon they were there and we all had a very good chat.It was a good gathering.I simply thought,what a chance, we never met in India for so many years and now we met it was in the country miles away from all of ours motherland.Well...they left late night after giving us the proposal of going to Windsor Castle and Southhall on Tuesday with them if things work out all well.Lets see....cos right now Dheeraj is getting ready for his office and I will see what I can do with this long day in London.Probably ,Bhaia-Bhahbhi who were my online guide first day,come up to meet or maybe the other friend couple show-up today.So,looking forward to meet them all...and expecting an aswell good day ahead.I was also thinking if i could go to national gallery and spent the rest of the day there with the amazing paintings..cya then..
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