Wednesday, December 11, 2013

(212) Besides and Beyond Love

Time and again, I question myself
Is there something else too,
Besides and beyond the ‘love’
That keeps me cemented with you

Often I am left more startled
At my mind’s undying exuberance
More far flung you try to get from it
More vigor is added to its perseverance 

Though it leaves you with your free will,
It tags along with every blink you make
Though it lets you muse you are uncared for,
It aspire you with every breath you take
Falling apart has been gracefully agreed to
Yet the obtuse mind doesn’t cease to hope for
I laugh at, I pity, I counsel this resolute
Inept all advices, it doesn’t cease to long for… 

I wonder over and over again
Is there something else too,
Besides and beyond the ‘love’
That keeps me attached with you

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