Saturday, December 14, 2013

(214) Plan or no plan

Knowing so well that life is most unpredictable, we keep planning things. Not sure of even the nearest next moment and the events that it will bring, we lay out maps for whole life. Ironically, the life led with plans is called the best lived, and in reality things never come out according to ones plannings. Often I contradict my email signing off statement(which says-"failing to plan is planning to fail"). I had chosen it when I was very ambitious career oriented girl,and all I could think then was to grow grow and grow in my career giving my best and hard work. Though the statement still remained with me, but its meaning have changed invariably. It seems that nothing actually works according to what you think, hope, wish for and act about. Everything occurs by law of nature and order of sequence predetermined. Yet, when I think like a parent, I still plan things for my kids and their future and try and put all effort to make them successful. And again, when life presents itself with good and bad surprises alteratively, I comeback on my knees knelt before the unseen power called Almighty, at times thanking him and at times asking him, why?

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