Though Charvi is not keeping much well since last2 days,she was still displaying a very sporty spirit by behaving much better when compared to alike children in illness.But today it was worse for her.Almost throughout the day she was crying after short intervals of disturbed sleep and trying silences.Doctor changed the medicine but still there doesnt seem much improvement in her cold-cough and related congestion-fever.Am feeling very perturbed because of both of ours helplessnesses:-Hers-to not been able to explain what exactly is happening to her AND ours-not been able to see her in pain alongwith no proper intake of food,milk or even the compulsory medicines.She is trying to sleep since 8'o clock in the evening and yet not attained the "not-so-easy to wakeup" stage of sleep.She is asking for water every minute and not taking even half a sip.Its almost ten minutes now that she has fallen asleep,seems she is now completely tired of her pains and related crying.God..may she have a sound sleep and a fast recovery.Since morning, am remembering my mother and feeling very grateful to her for taking care of us so intensely at every turn of life.I can now understand how taxing and testing it would have been for my mother,infact for all the mothers,parents and also how unpleasant parents feel to see their child in pain.I realize it now,why mothers dont feel hungry when their children has not eaten,why mothers loose sleep when their children are not able to,why mothers feel defeated when their children cant make it...i understand it all..all the more..
If I am peaceful about who I am and what I do, I may be of more help to enhance peace around...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
(30) Few.....

Few thoughts, Few emotions,
Few dreams , Few feelings,
Few joys, Few sorrows,
Few actions, Few responses,
Few questions, Few answers
Few goals, Few occurrence,
Few reasons, Few arguments,
Few distances, Few closeness
Few allegations, Few rejections
Few desires, Few fears,
Few promises, Few violations
Few silences, Few punishments,
Few relations, Few expectations,
Few words , Few People, Few losses
Can never be EXPLAINED!!!
Can never be UNDERSTOOD!!!
Few dreams , Few feelings,
Few joys, Few sorrows,
Few actions, Few responses,
Few questions, Few answers
Few goals, Few occurrence,
Few reasons, Few arguments,
Few distances, Few closeness
Few allegations, Few rejections
Few desires, Few fears,
Few promises, Few violations
Few silences, Few punishments,
Few relations, Few expectations,
Few words , Few People, Few losses
Can never be EXPLAINED!!!
Can never be UNDERSTOOD!!!

A glass full of beer
Crispy potato chips
Say "Cheers" aloud
Let wet your lips
Sip it "bottoms up"
No burps aloud
Shut up your mouth
Eyes will speak loud
Let go off 'The world'
Don't give a second thought
Few moments of whimsies
Let them get waste not
Be true to yourself
Speak out your core
For moments forget
The hell lot of lore
Becasue after somtime
When you will get over
Will find yourself again
In life's straining cover...
So..more glasses of beer
With more potato chips
Get yourself immersed
In delightful dips...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Theory proving existence of future?
Perhaps we either have datas
To bet for, in name of history
Or some specific plan charts
To potray our own illusions
What we all have in hand
Is this moment called present
Which we wasted ever earlier
To call it our past
And killing it even more
Anticipating the future
Neither a bit of past will do
Nor a fraction of future too
Stay along and move with breath
As your present will surely do
Live it,love it,ask truthfully
Your present will give everything to you
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Serves as the root cause of all hurt feelings
However pleasant would have been the end
Such obtuse thoughts ruin the dealings
One should not get obsessed by the odds
And ascertain to look at the positive side
Not always can someone be bad with you
Will not always take you, on dismal ride
There can be many anomalous reasons
Leading one to say something unusual
That doesn’t shows the change of attitude
That can be twist or turn, very crucial
Trust yourself and listen to your heart
Does it think the same way, like your impulse?!!
If not, then forget all your bad belief
And in good hope, get yourself indulge .
Learn to have, some faith in the system
Of The Great GOD and his creation
Every bond that he connects with you
Assures you blissful lasting realtion
(26) IT'S OKAY

You have been an insight, muse to me always
Sometimes as a teacher ,Sometimes as companion
You are blessed uniquely, with lots of passion
Your words can bridge, deepest of the canyon
I truly get amazed, to see you unperturbed
Displaying conviction, with lots of zeal
Come what may, let happen what may
Anxious or so worried , you never feel
I want to see you always, on the pinnacle
Shining with the glory and pride of success
Still sometimes, I lose it to my heart
Seeing your buoyancy, I feel jealous
That’s not because of any,ill-feeling I have
Because o f the sense, of being left forlorn
You know the art of ,hiding pain with poise
I fail to accept ,the feel, of being left alone
In the passing times, you taught me many things
Through your crystal-clear, behavioral creations
Taught me to love, taught me to trust
And the best thing, taught me to have patience
I have to be thankful, to you so much always
Not only for those, things I learnt formerly
But also for the newest, event that ensued
Moral of ‘NOT TO EXPECT’, you taught me so dearly
Where there’s expectation, sorrow does reside
As the former grows, later deepens its cores
Leads one to the height, of the topmost level
Then suddenly destroys, by closing the doors
Though method was strange, I still feel so glad
By not keeping the promise, you did me a favor
You proved me right , that I know you the best
Now this fact , with pride, for life- I can savor
Saturday, August 23, 2008

22nd August'08
Around 15 people coming home Sunday evening for dinner.Lots of preparations.Well,I thought to start from buying vegetables.Second thought was , “No God, I can’t face that snobbish shop owner who have the least grace in his voice and actions while dealing with his customers and I was also not sure of the timings when only his cheerful wife is available. But then he is the one who keeps the fresh and the best stuff around. So I had to bear him.I was greatly relaxed not to find him when I entered the shop. I took my leisurely time to choose and buy vegetables .A good experience…I left the shop in a happy mood.
Just after that was the CD-DVD library where I was suppose to return one rented DVD. Oops, I had forgotten to bring that .Still, I entered the store and apologized to the owner and promised him the dvd return in an hour. He was very gentle and appeasing while agreeing to my request and without a single complain. Thought on my mind was...what a gentleman!! What good level of customer understanding.
While returning home, I received call from Dheeraj informing about his official dinner outside and hence no cooking food for him. I felt lazy about cooking for only myself as Charvi’s food was already prepared.And hence my next stop was Pani-puri-chat shop.I had one plate pani-puri and ordered for one chat.Awaiting the same, my attention moved on to the guy who was standing exactly opposite to me.Tall, fair, well dressed formally with good taste of trouser-shirt-tie combination, neatly parted hair, and his company’s identity card hanging from his neck. Hmm..seemed to be a corporate guy. Appeared to be little shy, but sometimes..its real fun to observe people who are these kinds, shy and introverts. To interrupt my analysis, his mobile rang and while he was trying to pull out his phone from his trouser pocket, a packet of cigarettes fell down. Next thought was…Oh God…He is a smoker ?Seems to be an educated lad..and see what..he is a smoker, I hate smokers!!! But hey…wait a I really hate smokers….my mom’ father, my brother in law, many of my good friends….they all smoke and I don’t hate them….so that means..I don’t hate smokers..but I definitely hate smoking. My chaat arrived…I had it and there I go back on the road leading me home…
While striding, my attention shifted to the butchery shop which was on the same side of road where pani-puri wala was.I had been on this road hundreds of time in my 2 and a half years of stay in Hyderabad and had seen this shop almost nearly for the same number of times. But for the first time, a shriek cry of a hen/chick coming from inside made me stand still on the road.I peeped into the shop more anxiously to see what was going to happen to the ill-fated life which was entangled inside, although, back of my mind I knew it would be killed and cut, being inside, for only that reason. My mind struggled for quite some time making it difficult for me to take even a single step further. But because it would have been dreadful for me to see such slaughter, I forced myself to move ahead with all gloomy thoughts about that helpless life.
I reached my apartment building and awaited around 5 minutes for the lift along with three other people doing the same. We all entered the lift and stood silently for the entire journey towards reaching our respective floors. One man stood facing the door with his eyes stuck on the floor. One woman kept on moving her right hand bangles with her left hand at regular intervals of adjusting her saree and her purse one after other and did all this without looking at any one else in the lift. Third person, a man again… was pretending to be the busiest amongst all by repeatedly trying to call someone with his mobile and disconnecting it without even waiting for the service provider to connect his call. And there was me, sometimes looking at all of them one by one and sometimes gazing out of the glass of the capsule lift which provided the scene of the vast lake located in the heart of the city.Doing all this, thought which rugged my mind was about the silence inside. There was a time, my childhood, when we use to greet every other person we met on our society roads with Namaste, hello and hi respective to their age and relation. And now…look at us..staying in the same building…..and behaving like aliens..Keep aside the talk of being members of the same apartment,I have seen people behaving the same way in offices as well…I sometimes it some kind of compelling effect of the lift which makes people silent as soon as it opens its arms for them or is it some kind of social manner which keep not only the strangers but known people too, away from communicating.
Well…enough of the merry go round ride I had today with varied kinds of thoughts….i need to relax for sometime and get back to my normal routine.

Reading has always been an integral part of my life. Besides my own interest selection, I try and read books suggested by others. One of my friends suggested a good read and thus my hunt for that book began immediately.
I dedicated my entire evening to search that book.I went to all possible book stores in and around 5 km radius from my residence only to gather various reasons for non- availability of the same.Nevertheless, I ended up buying six other books, one of them by the same publisher whose book I was looking for .Perhaps buying them all could have been the outcome of my never ending ill- craze of buying more and more books.Well, let me put aside the discuss about my obsession and better talk about the incident which put me to write all this.
In the last book store I visited today, I came across few interesting books in Urdu and about Islam.As I was dead tired, I pulled out the bean bag lying nearby and got seated near that book shelf. While I was surfing through the books, one of the many attendants in the store came and stood by my side.He did not say anything and simply stood there for almost 5 minutes observing me.I tried to ignore his presence. I was holding two English language books taken from earlier shelves. As I twisted a little to put them on the lowest shelf nearby to let me do my seek easily, that guy who thought I was putting the books on the floor, interrupted me saying “ one minute madam”, he pulled one small stool and offered me to keep those books on it.I looked in his eyes with a question mark?He told that Urdu or Arabic books should not be kept on the floor. I was bit confused and bit surprised. I asked him if that was written or mentioned somewhere or is it some kind of religious rule that I am not aware of. He said, “No madam, these are our religious languages and books containing them should be given respect, we walk on the floor and hence these books should not be kept where we put our feet”. By then , he had seen the cover page of the books kept there and he got to know that those were not Urdu books. And so he said, “mam, its okay if u keep them down as they are English books, so no problem”. I argued, “ doesn’t it apply to all the books, as books are books and they all impart some kind of knowledge. I shouldn’t be allowed to keep either of the books on floor if that’s related to books dignity”. He said, “no mam, those are not our religious books, so we don’t have to care so much about them”.I asked him, “Do u know Urdu?”, he said.. “bit of Urdu and more of Arabic”. Further, he said, “mam u also must be knowing Urdu and Arabic” and asked if I was an avid reader of Quran.While nodding no for my answer I questioned him alike about Quran and he said he doesn’t read regularly. After a pause , I said I am not a Muslim .He was sadly stunned and asked me why was I, then searching books on Islam and Urdu. Well….I felt like answering him back a good long lecture..but I controlled myself and simply told him that my father’s neighborhood is a Muslim family and we have been brought up spending good time with them and that I have immense in tersest in learning about the religion I was bestowed with in a friendly packaging by God and the same religion which is being either misinterpreted or rather miscalculatively used. I was too loud and harsh in saying all this which made that man move from there without a word.
But all this left me unnerved for quite sometime. I really don’t know what that guy was trying to showcase, his immense love for his religion, his not-relevant attitude towards other religions or rather his ignorance and misconceptions he carried about his religion along with the lack of revere towards books, their role in human development and their importance in every individual’s life irrelevant of the religion a person belongs to.
Am sure there's no religion in the world which teaches to be respectful to a particular thing or entity if its pertaining to itself and not do the same for one which belongs to other religion.Well, to silent my quest I need to thoroughly study the one in question.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Almost every day, I surf internet, check emails and do little writing on my system. My laptop faced a crash lastnight.Since morning I am feeling so uneasy with not being able to do anything with my system.It will take some days to get it repaired.I eagerly awaited Dheeraj to return home so that I could use his laptop and relieve my anxiety .Absence of my connectivity with the virtual world made me feel helpless and disjointed throughout and I realized how addicted I have become to this electronic world and its means. Thanks to my friend with whom I chatted on phone for good time and good cause which kept me uninfluenced from the sense of being cut off for some time, but disconnecting the call again left me handicapped as to reach this friend or other any further, I required my laptop, my system.Infact..I sense similar feeling when I get out of the phone connectivity due to whatever reasons…
It becomes really difficult at times to judge whether the impact of the addiction to this gadgets is more seriously serving the cause of the apprehensions and melancholy rising amongst this cohort people or is it simply the result of varied factors relevant to each individual’s need and desire to reach his/her yearned person or thing.
It becomes really difficult at times to judge whether the impact of the addiction to this gadgets is more seriously serving the cause of the apprehensions and melancholy rising amongst this cohort people or is it simply the result of varied factors relevant to each individual’s need and desire to reach his/her yearned person or thing.

To be reached and crossed
If you want to succeed
Don’t stop, just move on
You may fall in love
With the road you travel
But to reach your goal
Don’t stop, just move on
Things will hold you back
Sense will bar you too
Keep in mind your aim
Don’t stop, just move on
Sometimes it is wise
To kill your emotions
Against your intentions
Don’t stop, just move on
Life is but a game
Don’t lose it to the heart
To fulfill the purpose
Don’t stop, just move on
For a time, you may feel
Defeated by yourself
Evoke your objective
Don’t stop, just move on
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Should also be like other’s
Celebrating individuality
Not diminishing her rather
Being able to live life
As per her own desire
Annihilating the odds
Not yielding other’s ire
Liberty to express her mind
Her heart, body and soul
Behave in accord to her senses
Be herself on the whole
To be able to speak her thoughts
To be treated non-prejudiced
Given the platform with, to be
What she wants, and not otherwise
Having an autonomy to work or simply not
To marry by her choice, or just marry not
Free will to decide all about her life
When to have a child, or rather have it not
Wearing and being what and how she feels
Sovereignty to choose her relation and friends
Independence to reject things she dislikes
Not to follow forcefully, any social trends
Freedom to an unmarried woman
To adopt a child if she wants
Walk alone midnight, like a man
On the road without the haunts
And despite making her preferences
She should be well acknowledged
Not to be questioned for her choices
Rather, she should be applauded
Freedom to a woman in the right manner
Will come, when she will be no reliant
Without fears of rejection and abuse
To the dominants, she can be a defiant.
Monday, August 18, 2008
(20) !!!!!

We left home at around 4.30 in the evening last Saturday for market.We reached a T junction after driving half a kilometer. Dheeraj was driving at 20kmp and we were discussing about something. A huge Marshal jeep coming from the right hand lane,suddenly attacked us with all possible strength on the driver side exactly in middle of the car banging into both the doors.May be the driver lost her control or maybe she was not so perfect at driving.It gave a huge thrust to our car pushing us along with it towards the foot-path and wall on the left hand side with a loud screech of car brakes and the friction noise of the tyres with the road.The push away trip of 5 seconds gave me a feel of being taken away not only from the road but from the life itself.I could hardly gather what was happening until a loud cry of my daughter who got hit on her head which slammed on the door, brought me to senses.i hugged her tight and made her stop crying.Though a huge damage done to the car, we were thankful to the almighty for keeping us all so safe. Had it been a miss of a moment by dheeraj to control the car, it would have toggled up or smashed on the wall injuring us all badly or maybe resulting into something worse than that. Though we felt bad about the car but then as I always say and I believe that “whatever happens, happens for good”, we looked at the positive side of it, may be God wanted to stop and save us here itself, may be there was something big bad waiting to happen to us ahead..
Sunday, August 17, 2008

I always wanted to adore him like a pal
I wanted to look up to him, when dull
I never wanted to have disgust for him, But now I do
I believed, though unlike, he was still human
I thought he too deserved care and concern
I never took him to be contemptible, But now I do
I was sure he was a man of words and merit
Would care of his own and other’s credit
I disliked to even think bad about him, But now I do
I had immense respect for him as a person
I had befriend him beyond all the cordon
I never shunned him for anything, But now I do
My behavior with him was never prejudiced
To make him feel inferior, I truly never tried
I valued him, not sympathized, But now I do
I never thought he was one, deprived or pitiable
I never felt there’s something, he was not capable
I never felt he was unfortunate, But now I do
I feel extremely sorry for him and his doom
Though with his sunlight, he lives in a gloom
Cares not for what he has been blessed with
Savoring his ego, he let go off the bloom
I pity him for his blindness, with superior eyes
And for his imprudence, in wisdom’s disguise
I feel sorry for his acts and his corrupt thoughts
Which he does taking so much honor-pride
He is one selfish, living egocentric life
He worries not for others, only for his thrive
Seldom he agrees, joy is in helping others
For him life is one, self- enhancing drive
I wish God bless him with some more serenity
I wish god help him to behave with tranquility
I wish he values life, before the day he dies
And comprehend living life with equanimity
I wanted to look up to him, when dull
I never wanted to have disgust for him, But now I do
I believed, though unlike, he was still human
I thought he too deserved care and concern
I never took him to be contemptible, But now I do
I was sure he was a man of words and merit
Would care of his own and other’s credit
I disliked to even think bad about him, But now I do
I had immense respect for him as a person
I had befriend him beyond all the cordon
I never shunned him for anything, But now I do
My behavior with him was never prejudiced
To make him feel inferior, I truly never tried
I valued him, not sympathized, But now I do
I never thought he was one, deprived or pitiable
I never felt there’s something, he was not capable
I never felt he was unfortunate, But now I do
I feel extremely sorry for him and his doom
Though with his sunlight, he lives in a gloom
Cares not for what he has been blessed with
Savoring his ego, he let go off the bloom
I pity him for his blindness, with superior eyes
And for his imprudence, in wisdom’s disguise
I feel sorry for his acts and his corrupt thoughts
Which he does taking so much honor-pride
He is one selfish, living egocentric life
He worries not for others, only for his thrive
Seldom he agrees, joy is in helping others
For him life is one, self- enhancing drive
I wish God bless him with some more serenity
I wish god help him to behave with tranquility
I wish he values life, before the day he dies
And comprehend living life with equanimity
Monday, August 11, 2008

And made you laugh again
Tell you something truly
I am still feeling sad
However hard I try
I cannot come over
Cannot forget your words
And the tiff we had
I tried not to recall
Any of those thoughts
How you made me feel
I still don’t feel glad
I am not trying to oblige
But I can’t see one in pain
Try to make all happy
May be I am like that
Saying thus, I don’t intend
To make you feel guilty
Just wanted to let you know
I am still feeling bad…..
Friday, August 8, 2008
I thought of wiping it
Somehow I could not do
Task of scrubbing it
These are the scribbles
Made by my daughter
With a set of crayons
On the wall’s coffer
This is her work of art
Her first ever impression
Attempt to make something
Of her own reflection
Colorful like herself
Curving in any shape
Not bounded by the rules
We follow like an ape
Intensifying it so more
With fine-looking bends
Coaching us to live
Forgetting all the rends
More of Blue, little Red
Arc of Brown, lines of Green
Split of Black, so of Yellow
Smirking shapes, makes u beam
She had so much fun
To make all the squiggles
On question, she takes onus
And innocently she giggles
Her face reflects the pride
Her eyes becomes though, coy
She thinks her art is marvel
Her thrill reveals the joy
No, I cannot rub it
Not on my own self
It has my angel’s vision
It is my daughter’s delve
Thursday, August 7, 2008
(16) THANK U GOD!!

For making me complete
Giving me potential
To fulfill my deeds
I mean to say something
Allied to physical vigor
For every human being
Though, it doesn’t confer
When I see around
Someone is handicap
Feeling sorry for them
Feel blessed for myself
I marvel how they manage
To do things with impairment
How testing it would be
For them to do the errand
How do they cope with
One hand or none
One leg or none
One eye or none
One ear or none
How do they live with
More barriers like this
When we, with smallest sore
Fret like a kid.
I got cut two days back
Left hand – my little finger
However,I dealt with chores
With though pain and tinker
Twist of fate so weird
I got cut yesterday too
On right hand finger now
Making it hell all through
To make things even worse
I burnt my hand today
I wonder what is happening
With me, anyway.
I am facing deadly troubles
In everything I do
I am feeling very helpless
Just don’t know what to do
I cannot knead the dough
Can’t cut the vegetables
Nor roll the chapattis
Can’t even set the table
Somehow I am doing all
Though with more of pain
And thanking god for my being
All over and over again
For the fortune I have
Of being physical entire
Praying for all impaired
Who live with, yet, no ire.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Words from my brother in law in Singapore:-Your write is about looking for being a perfectionist and perfectionism with in you and with people around you... i would be really interested to read from you... of something which you have felt with a question....not being perfect with in you and people around you. But still enjoyed being not perfect...
This is what I have to say
My well wisher judged me so aptly to be a person addicted to perfectionism.Well this addiction,which though is since my childhood, has on one hand served me appreciation,satisfaction,growth,good friends,success and much more alike whereas on the other hand it gave me criticism,dissatisfaction, stretched relations, compromises and things alike.Though being a very crucial characteristic of my nature, I never did think about it on a separate soil.Possibly because its so much mixed in my routine behavior that I seldom realize it can ever be thought about as a total diverse topic.Now when he has so intellectually pointed it out,i really think it has to do a lot with my being.For example,consider few small things happening in day to day life.
I don’t like to see anything in the house not kept in order,however tired or ill I am ,I try and put them in place.
I pull the bedsheet on bed and make it proper everytime I see a little crease on it.
I cannot tolerate to see the water in bucket left over by the former person after taking bath,I immediately empty it and keep it to dry or fill with fresh one.
Even if I am dead tired after guests leaving house midnight,I don’t leave behind the dining plates and serving bowls to be cleared up next morning.
After logging in for checking emails, firstly I look for spam,check them if any important mail has slipped into it, and only after deleting spam, I go to check the inbox.
I dont tolerate if the order of my books,clothes,cosmetics kept in shelves is changed .
I get uneasy if a phone call gets disconnected abruptly and ends without a proper bye.
I can’t bear my daughter picking up any not-so-proper word or phrase from her friends and I get to rest only after making her unlearn it.
And I behave the worse, if any individual how much ever close he/she is, in whatever way he/she is related to me, lies to me, tries to bully me for self benefit ,or does something to forfeit my trust put in him/her.
And much more alike can be added up to the list above. Having said all that, I really don’t know how many mentions of them really fall under the outcomes of a perfectionism disease(or perhaps boon).
Well, along with pointing out my behavior of a perfectionist, my well-wisher also suggested me to assume my self and surrounding to be a complete no-no to so called perfection and then count how I felt. When I thought about it, I realized that I actually don’t need to assume so as I have already been in such a situation many a times.
Infact they are so many, I can hardly jot them all down over here. But still, to recount
· When needed in urgency to wrap some trash, I tear of from the newspaper which is of the same day and feel relaxed to do away with the junk.(otherwise I don’t allow anyone to do so even from a week old newspaper)
· I lie down on return from movie or party without changing to home attire(whereas otherwise I don’t do that even when I am stiff tired.)
To recall from past,
When my aunt was fast asleep one afternoon,I took out my uncle’s scooter and kicked it on to ride it almost for an hour to find a u turn which could bring me back home because I did not know then to ride a geared vehicle or manage it or stop it midway to take a turn back.Back home, my aunt was horrified to find neither of us..scooter and me.Few months later I did same adventure with my colleagues bike when few staff members had gone to a temple some 50 kilometers from Rajkot when I was working there.I convinced them of my grasp on bike riding(which I hardly rode earlier) and took it from one of them only to fly on road.I never saw the speedometer during my 15 minutes of ride on NH8,but could feel the thrill to fly on road.(being a perfectionist I would have never done either of them knowing it could have caused my life also)
· While pursuing my engineering, I stayed in a hostel managed by a very strict warden. Girls of 6 rooms of the hostel were not allowed to stand in the balcony during evenings or night,because light of the huge halogen standing on top of the terrace fell directly on these room’s balconies, and boys who stayed in building next compound use to create noisy disruption, do monkey business while passing besides the girls hostel.Well, we could not take the jail for more time, and one of my electrical discipline hostel mate took me in confidence to fuse the light so that we could rest in peace in balcony for atleast some day.And we did this thrice after every repair, atlast to make it a permanent damage to the hostel and permanent freedom to us.(Being otherwise ,I would neither confide in such deeds, not let others too do so)
· During college, while going for a morning coffee to canteen with a senior girl, I held the collars and hit a miscreant boy who was accompanied by dozen guys like him and who stopped us to settle some old quarrel with my senior and used bad words with her. Though I had nothing to do with the matter, unintentionally I got involved and subsequently got famous for daring deed which I quite secretly enjoyed(being otherwise,I would never get involved,not to the hitting extent with those troublemakers holding the worse history around)
· When I was working for a finance firm, we had a meeting lined up with an HNI client. Three of us, me, my boss and her boss went to meet her. By the time we finished our meeting, it had started raining very heavily. We had to reach office in time and mail the meeting details to HO, to get the proposal approved the same day. My boss’boss offered us lift back to office though he had another meeting far off, which we rejected and suggested to go on our own. Somehow we managed to reach office building in an hour and a half,but by then we both were completely drenched. Though my boss argued so much to get back to work, but I convinced her to make it a chutti for both of us to have the famous hot corn maize being sold outside the law garden. Having that corn my boss left for home and I enjoyed rains for two more hours before leaving for home.(otherwise I would never leave work for fun).
Well, many more incidents and deeds can be added to the list above which surely proves that I enjoy life being a non-perfectionist as well besides perfectionism being my pinnacle agenda or trait OR MAY BE SO I BELIEVE/BEHAVE.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And I will always do
Forgetting all you say
Forgetting all you do
Though you say again
You don’t consider me
As a friend or so
It hardly concerns me
For you are one who think
Life is led by rules
Which you make and kink
Rest all are fools
You are the one who believe
There always has to be aim
And some selfish motive
Behind the relation game
You deem feelings are fake
Those who show are cons
And you want others to act
As per your ease and norms
You don’t care what you say
And how it harms your people
You only love your own self
And leave others to sniffle
I swear I haven’t known one
Person like you ever
For the lesson you taught me
I can forget you never
Lesson to not be honest
All the times in life
Behave though diplomatic
Manner which is so rife
But still I feel to thank
Thank you for being so rude
Letting me know your thoughts
Leaving me sense so brood
Because it helped me know
How callous can that one be
How selfish can people grow
How swindler can someone be
Having said that all so far
I don’t intend to show hatred
That’s being not my contest
I don’t feel I am betrayed
Reason being so avid clear
I truly deserved this all
For being myself in nature
I had to see this fall
For I am the one who thinks
Life is the trip to good being
Do best to make all happy
By doing truly everything
For I am the one who believe
Life is too short to fight
And this is the way I live
Trying to take snags light
So I had to indeed pay
For this course of amity
I made sure every way
To rebuke off my vanity
And thus I feel now casual
For all the accusations
You took so pride in charging
All the allegations
Now may you rest in harmony
Withholding all you want
For now your shoddy actions
Can scarcely make me haunt
Well,then I end with a hope
To see you altruistic next time
Since life is not a crow fly
Dear!!, it’s a spinning chime
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