And I will always do
Forgetting all you say
Forgetting all you do
Though you say again
You don’t consider me
As a friend or so
It hardly concerns me
For you are one who think
Life is led by rules
Which you make and kink
Rest all are fools
You are the one who believe
There always has to be aim
And some selfish motive
Behind the relation game
You deem feelings are fake
Those who show are cons
And you want others to act
As per your ease and norms
You don’t care what you say
And how it harms your people
You only love your own self
And leave others to sniffle
I swear I haven’t known one
Person like you ever
For the lesson you taught me
I can forget you never
Lesson to not be honest
All the times in life
Behave though diplomatic
Manner which is so rife
But still I feel to thank
Thank you for being so rude
Letting me know your thoughts
Leaving me sense so brood
Because it helped me know
How callous can that one be
How selfish can people grow
How swindler can someone be
Having said that all so far
I don’t intend to show hatred
That’s being not my contest
I don’t feel I am betrayed
Reason being so avid clear
I truly deserved this all
For being myself in nature
I had to see this fall
For I am the one who thinks
Life is the trip to good being
Do best to make all happy
By doing truly everything
For I am the one who believe
Life is too short to fight
And this is the way I live
Trying to take snags light
So I had to indeed pay
For this course of amity
I made sure every way
To rebuke off my vanity
And thus I feel now casual
For all the accusations
You took so pride in charging
All the allegations
Now may you rest in harmony
Withholding all you want
For now your shoddy actions
Can scarcely make me haunt
Well,then I end with a hope
To see you altruistic next time
Since life is not a crow fly
Dear!!, it’s a spinning chime
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