HE:- Morning !
SHE:Good morning dear!!
HE:- So, what were you upto?
SHE:Nothing much,
HE:- Really !I thought u must be busy, as u always do.
SHE:Yeah, kind of
HE:- Like what?
SHE:Not much, am filing nails, surfing net, listening to music, and…
HE:- Hey hey, wait a sec, if this is not much, what would your much be?
SHE:Oh come on, u known na, am a multi tasker..
HE:- Yeah, I know, who would know this better than me?
SHE:What do u mean???
HE:- Exactly what u understood..
SHE:I did not understand anything.
HE:- Oh come on, don’t pretend.
SHE:I never pretend.
HE:- U always do..
SHE:Oh..then what do u do?
HE:- What I do?
SHE:Have you ever been yourself truly?
HE:- Yes, always..
SHE:No, never..
HE:- Please, leave it, I don’t want to get into any fight with you.
HE:- Yes, truly, I had called you to tell something very important..
SHE:People like u also have something important to say…ha, ha, ha
HE:- Why, what’s wrong with people like me?
SHE:Leave it, u will not be able to hear it
HE:- What, tell me?
SHE:Long list baby, u won’t be able to handle it
HE:- Oh come on, if I can handle u, I can handle the world war three..
SHE:What do u meeeeeeaaaaaaaaannnn???????????
HE:- Nothing darling, just pulling your leg, u know na, am good at that.
SHE:No, u are not, I know u are serious about what u said
HE:- Thank God, at least once, u took me seriously.
SHE:What the hell?. What do u think of yourself?
HE:- Super cool fool who fell for you.
SHE:Oh yes, certainly, now u think yourself as a fool, because u chose me, right?
HE:- Right.
SHE:No, am a fool, because I agreed to be with you.
HE:- I am a bigger fool who ever proposed you?
SHE:No, I am the biggest fool, dumb-ass on this earth to have given into you.
HE:- Thank God, u agree to this.
SHE:To what?
HE:- That you are the biggest foolll…
SHE:What, what do u want to say, I mean, what u are trying to prove? tell me, right now.
HE:- Shhuuuutt up, I didn’t call to fight, why do u always end up like this?
SHE:Who?, me, I do this, do I do it all alone on myself?
HE:- No, I agree, even I do mistakes, but most of the times its you.
SHE:Again !! see again, u want to play the same blame game, why the hell do I ever listen to u? why do I even talk to you, Oh , god, what a stupid I am to entertain such a nerd.
HE:- Because you don’t have anyone else to listen to you
SHE:Don’t tell me, u know well, how many admirers I have
HE:- Why don’t u go to them then?
SHE:Bloody hell !!!, u men, you..all are the same, hypocrites!!, you male chauvinist!! don’t u know why I am with you?
HE:- Why?
SHE:Still a why!!
HE:- Ya ya , tell me, why?
SHE:U stupid, because I ……well, leave it, u would never understand, in fact, u just don’t deserve it.
HE:- Haan, haan, I don’t, but u do, right?, do u deserve my love? no u don’t.
SHE:Then why do u talk to me, why do u even call me? just hang up, shut up, get lost, go, just go away, why the hell u ever came into my life? tell me ,tell me haan!!
HE:- (In a calmer voice)Poor girl, u decide first, what do u want, do u want me to shut up, hang up, get lost or answer u why I came into ur life?
SHE: (calming down)Umm..okey, I am obliging you ( sarcasm!!) by allowing some more time, tell me , why?
HE:- Because….
SHE:Ya..go ahead
HE:- Because….
SHE:Oh fo…common, quick
HE:- So eager to know..!!!
SHE:As if I don’t know..
HE:- U know!!
SHE:Ya , I do, but u tell me.
HE:- If u know, then y should I waste my energy..
SHE:Uuuuuuu….!!!do u want to say or should I han….??
HE:- Okey, okey, alright..here I am..I was saying, because I..lo
SHE:Now please don’t say that u truly….
HE:- Yes, I truly..
SHE:No, no, u must be kidding me
HE:- Why? don’t u trust me?
SHE:No, I don’t .
HE:- Please darling, don’t start this all over again, stop making fun of me and let me say what I have been telling you ever since I saw you, let me …
SHE:Hello, helllooooo, hellllo, I can’t hear you, voice breaking sweetie, can u be a bit louder
HE:- Hello, hello, now…can u hear me..?
SHE:Ya,.ya, its better,.tell me.
HE:- I was saying..I
HE:- I …
SHE:What? can’t hear..
HE:- I know u can hear me….and I love you…
SHE:Hmm…what.? .kya..? cudn’t hear properly
Can u please repeat?
HE:- Yes, 1000 times, all my life, my honor.
SHE:Do it…
HE:- What….??
SHE:Do it I said, say 1000 times, Go ahead..,Am counting
1,2…start, start be quick
HE:- Now..!!
SHE:Yes….daaarlliinng...right now.!!
HE:- I have to rush to the office baby..
SHE:I don’t care..
HE:- Please..
HE:- Plleeaase
SHE:I said start..
HE:- Okkey….I………………(1,2,3,4,5……10000 times done)
SHE:Wow , u did it my love, but don’t you think, there was something missing?
HE:- What now???, I mean, what could be missing in it darling?
SHE:Did u say all that 1000 times for me?
HE:- Of course sweetheart..
SHE:Then, why didn’t you take my name at the end even for once..
HE:- Oh….did’nt I?..i mean, I didn’t, but isn’t that understood.
HE:- Please
SHE:I said No, say again 1000 times, but now end with my name each time..
HE:- Some other time darling, I gotta be going
SHE:Now, now, now,now or else
HE:- Alright…alright. Then,.get ready to marry a bankrupt…
I love you(name)….., I love you(name)….
The End..(never came)
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