Sunday, January 31, 2010

(114) Pause

Hi all,
Sorry for coming up so late.Shifting,moving and settling down kept me on toes.But am so glad and thankful to all my friends who pulled to stay in touch and inquire in the meantime.The new city is Pune and for how long will it remain the same, god knows.Keeping the fingers crossed.

Many new things came up during these days.Had to write a lot, but somehow, i get this feeling that either i am unable to write-o-rather share honestly OR probably i have become biased selective in topics rather not cheered.Or donno, if its something else,or may be i have lost the inspiration,whatever it is, but i feel like taking a break.

Thanks to all those who had been so supportive all through and to those who were not so as well.i don't intend to say that this is the end, but i feel i should pause at this.May be i come up with more interesting work or may be i dont show up here again, may be you get to read me on some other unknown blog, or may be not i sound very pessimistic?, no, its not so.i think my creativity is yet to be unpeeled far further and with the intention to be more honest,justifying and courageous to harmonize the thoughts with the words i put up, i certainly need to re-evaluate and re-inculcate many things.i am definitely going to miss this indirect, faceless but certain interaction with all my readers,friends and well-wishers..take care.

All the precious feedbacks are truly welcomed as earlier..

Friday, January 8, 2010

(113) Bye for now...

New year showed its first good sign for me. We are leaving this place and moving out of here. Though nervous to pack and move whole house again, I am glad and excited more about departing from so called Delhi, Noida,Gzbd.(No offence intended).
            Stay of about 9 plus months passed by and the time to go is here. If it was not very cheerful, was not even very bad too. It circled off with fast moving events leaving behind mixed memories. We performed Satyanarayan Puja, all sister in laws gathered during Rakshabandhan (both happened for the first time in last 4-5 years), my siblings visited us,  many other relatives who resides in near by places came to see us, I went to my father’s mother’s birthplace, village located on Haryana border- it was a great experience, I attended the wedding of my mom’s cousin brother in my mother’s father’s birthplace, village located on Delhi-Haryana border- again a refreshing happening, a short visit to Punjab, Trip to mussorie-dehradun-rishikesh-haridwar which was made more memorable by my brother’s being there, driving car with 100+ speed on NH-24 and in Delhi( was new for me), spent valuable time with two good neighbor families and a few unforgettable reunions. So, overall it was fine, but nothing so close that would convince me of staying back here anymore. Wish me luck, I may get more serene and generous living in the new place. Buzz you soon from the fresh destination.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

(112) इशतिबाह

आब -ओ-गिल से मिल गए
फिर भी शुबा है दिल मैं
कैसे यकीन हों उनको
ज़र्ब हमने भी सहा है

हासिल नहीं हों जाती
युही किसीको जन्नत
काफ-ए-दस्त मैं उनके
देखें क्या लिखा है

सबब नहीं पूछा करतें
आंसुओं से दिल जलो का
आब-ए-दिदाह मिलेंगे
उल्फत जहाँ जहाँ हैं

पासबान नहीं था कोई
साकी भी पता नहीं
होश मैं रहे हम फिरभी
इतना वजूद रहा है

ताब ऐसा इश्क का था
वोही नहीं जले थे
लोगोने हमें भी उनसा
पाक़ तालिब कहा है

इशतिबाह रखने वाले
खुदको फिर तराशें
फारिघ होके उसने
प्यार किया कहाँ हैं ?

आब-ओ-गिल -water and clay
काफ-ए-दस्त -palm
आब-ए-दिदाह -tears
ताब -heat
इशतिबाह doubt
फारिघ -free

Sunday, January 3, 2010

(111)Walking through..

Walking through the mist of thoughts,
I faced the mirror I dare not scour
It may display the soul jailed in me
Dying to unveil, dying to be free…..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

(110) तिनका तिनका

तिनका तिनका इनको सवरने दीजिये
लम्हा लम्हा इश्क मैं निख़रने दीजिये
लुफ्त नहीं सब्र गवाने मैं इस तराह
हुस्न को आहिस्ता से बिखरने दीजिये

टूट जाते हैं होश राह मिलती नहीं
लहू बेह जाने पर भी चाह मिलती नहीं
घूँट नहीं शराब का जो उठा के पी गए
मोम है, ज़रा ज़रा पिघलने दीजिये

रोम से उभर के जो बदन पे आ गयी
कैसी है खुमारी जो आँखों मैं छा गयी
आघोष मैं ले लिया तो बाकी कुछ ना रहेगा
बिन छुए, अरमानो को मचलने दीजिये

लम्हा लम्हा हुस्न को बिखरने दीजिये ....

Friday, January 1, 2010

(109) Moon eclipse

my friend told me,
its a moon eclipse today
i could not see the moon from my balcony,
also its too late to go down in the park,
so i hung myself all on the fence
and caught a glimpse of it,
which was hidden beyond my sight..
the cool breeze freezed me out
and moistened me with a chill,
but yet i tried hard to push myself maximum out,
within the safe limit, not to throw myself from 11th floor and celebrate happy new year,and had a view, though the eclipse is not yet completed, still the view was awesome..if you are reading this now...go watch it..a very small part of it has turned dark...

(108) Welcome 2010

2009, was an assorted year for me. It stretched out happiness, tears, union, separation, change of place, meeting lots of relatives, tours-trips, and bestowed copious major learning. I want to thank all those who made it special for me in some ways. And wish you all a beautiful year ahead and a wonderful life thereon.
Those engaged in studies, may get sharp knowledge
Those in quest of job, may get fair career
Those desiring marriage, may get better partner
Those waiting to go home, may get all opportunities
Those in search of love, may get peace in life
And those seeking a friend, may get ME, or someone like me….
A Happy Happy Happy New Year…Take care
Hope 2010 rings in with reduced pollution, controlled population, balanced corruption, curtailed global warming and zero terrorism. May peace and contentment prevail in each slice of the earth.