Wednesday, February 4, 2015

(266) Live life before life leaves you

Ø  This has not been written with an intention to preach anyone.
Ø  It’s a self reminder kind of thing about beliefs I held all through, with a hope to help others who may find similitude with my thought process.

While browsing through net, I stumbled upon an Indian obituary website, where again by chance I learned about the demise of one of my ex colleague from past beyond nine years. If not for this site, my memory had completely erased his being from my mind, as I had conversed with him only on a very professional stratum. Yet, a glimpse of his posted picture, strikingly reminded me of his ever smiling face, cheerful conduct with everyone on the floor, and the obviously visible zest in his maneuver towards life, career and dreams to grow big. He passed away in 2013, and he was about 37 years of age as mentioned in the details.

So, if I had to die at the same age, what am I left with right now? A few years on my hand versus thousands of plans to be executed. Am sure, he would have been the same, and for that matter everyone of us, living in this times are somewhat akin, when it comes to performing the act called life.
It is not at all wrong to be ambitious, or to carve out the future plan, but it is equally important to live the life we have in present. In the race to compete with fellows, we stop looking at the blessings we are bestowed with, and eventually we start living lives on autopilot, with bodies doing mechanism, brains running directed chores, and soul wandering and struggling to find life amidst this chaos.
I strongly believe and always tell my people, my family, closest friends that life is in this very moment. Live it to the fullest with being the best person possible. But to confess myself and as mentioned by my loved ones, I often fail to follow my own principles, I give into the pressures of life, think more than necessary, worry for things which may really never ever happen, get annoyed and irritable, lose faith and at times act in not so affable ways. Basically, I forget to live, to enjoy what I am conferred with and directly or indirectly it not only impacts me, but also  people around me and the relationships I share with them.

Sharing some views, that I think, if put in practice, will undeniably make life more meaningful and fulfilling.

·         Be grateful for what all you have and be more giving, help the needy, we are not going to take anything with us when we leave for good, except for the love and blessings we have earned.

·         Be more forgiving, kick off that ego, don’t hold grudges against others for long. Don’t talk bad about others as far as possible. Apologize for your mistakes & try to assemble broken bonds, but don’t hell bend on doing so, maintain self respect, give your best and leave on the other person and time to decide.  God never gives you the challenge you can’t handle. Be optimistic.

·         I  believe, “whatever happens, happens for good”. So do your karma, the best possible one and leave unto the universe and the energies within to respond to your deeds. All that is meant for you will definitely come to you. Have faith, have patience.

·         Life is very unpredictable. Before the call for the godly abode strikes on you without notice, make sure you have lived a life you would feel thankful for, you have done enough for your fellows known and unknown, you have done your bit to support the survival of your mother earth, mother nature.

·         Don’t keep things for tomorrow. Do all that you like. Complete  that pending special holiday, dress up the way you like, read your favorite books, sing, dance, jump, eat, paint, yell, drink, get drenched in the rains, skid on the snow, ride that bike, kiss all you want, fall in love, make love, embrace life with open arms….don’t stress if you are not able to do everything you wish for..but at-least..give it a try! Believe’s worth it!

·         Love is the greatest tool, boon, art, aid, sense, ability, gift, honor and blessing that we all have been bestowed upon by the very nature which gave us birth. Let us all be more loving, kind, generous, grateful, helpful and add more values to our own lives and to the ones that thrives around us. Propagate enough love and disseminate it in everything you do, it’ll keep you alive even after you are gone.

There’s still a lot I would wanna talk, but may be some other time. Perhaps, I am turning quite emotional at this moment. So I end here for now by sharing a video on a girl who died two days after it was shot. Don’t miss it my friends, please do watch it!!

With Loads of Love..Mita

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