Saturday, August 23, 2014

(244) Superstitious by choice.

Superstition is inseparable from Indian mindset. Since childhood, I have heard about and made to believe in numerous idiotic superstitions. I never understood the logic behind the things which were said to stop us from doing certain things or prompting us to do few other things. Earlier, though I never openly opposed our great old generation’s fellow, my relatives, but since long I have been very vocal about my disagreement with the myths to be followed. Well, that is what I do on a serious and a conscious note. But secretly, at times, I choose to become irrational and credulous, especially if that particular fallacy is believed to be giving the happy outcome. For example, they say that for a woman, if her left eye-lid keep fluttering intermittently in a particular way out of her control, then some good news can be expected. Since the time I woke up this morning, my left eye lid kept flapping erratically. Normally, I would not have paid attention to it, but given that I had been waiting for a long time and anticipating something good to happen, I chose to take that sign as an indication for good in coming.

But you know what, I was wrong. The news that dropped in was not really a pleasant one. And I was right too in believing that all such things that people say are mere false notions created for self comfort.Things occur in accord with their destined order.

Nevertheless, I still firmly believe, "whatever happens, happens for good".

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