Friday, September 26, 2014

(253) Calmness

The state which I have been seeking so desperately since few days, came to me from the person I wouldn't have expected to come from otherwise. Not that I spoke about my restlessness and she came ahead with a solution or something, because for that I, myself would have had to nail the exact problem and discuss. I had been into lotsa dilemmas off late, packed with anxieties and weird fears which didn't let me sleep one full night. And I am completely unaware what was the exact cause of all these turbulence. Not that I quoted a problem and I got some calming answer. Perhaps, the aura, the presence or something more philosophical, spiritual or donno what, but something soothened me off. I feel more calm, more focused and more relaxed.

Temperatures dipping everyday, I am freezing everyday. Nose turning red and reminding me of all the funny names I got because of my nose turning red in winter, laughter and anger. Last night real feel was minus one degree.

What else?..Had a sudden, surprise and pleasant skype chat with an old friend today.It was nice, although during entire chat I was eating my lunch.

And...though I am calm,I am missing my mom too much. Longing to put my head in her lap and sleep for eternity and experience the real calm. Waiting to see her smiling face, getting wrapped in her blessed hug and eat food made by her. Can't wait to see her.......Missssssssssssiiiiiiinnnnnnnnngggggggggggggg soooooooooooo muccccchhhhhhhh!!!!

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